Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Imperial Dam LTVA, Dec 29-30, 2008

Well, this is what happened on our way here. I forgot to put away the utensil container, but when we had a sudden slow down [Bob was taking a curve too fast] everything moved forward...the paper towels, the wooden chicken and a bag of onions slid forward. This is what you see at the Imperial Dam LTVA turnoff on I-95, it is also the same road to the Yuma Proving Grounds. We are staying in the Florida Flats area of the linked map (upper left of the map).
When we arrived, we wanted to find just the right spot. So we found a place to leave the coach, and took the Explorer exploring. We drove around for quite awhile and finally found a spot that was somewhat isolated and had a ocotillo on it, that was one criteria I wanted.
The area here is much more rocky and more ravines or gullies than Quartzsite.
Here is a view to the side with the front of our coach.

And here is a view of a lake and the back of another coach, they have the best view!!

Here is our coach with the ocotillo, right now they even have their leaves out, which does not happen too often, depends on rain fall.
Did you notice Bob up on top of the coach, he is tilting the solar panels for our stay here.
I am hanging up the finch feeder next to the ocotillo. This morning we saw a flock of finches getting their morning snack here at the feeder.
Yesterday I also hung up my new hummingbird feeder, thanks Jenny, and within an hour had a hummingbird feeding at it. Usually it takes 2-3 days for them to find it.
Since we are going to be here for possibly two weeks, it was time to wash the windshield. Sure looks better now when we look out.
In this special moment in life...Be crazy

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