What do you think the odds are in the photo below…who will win?
Feeding french fries to friends with wings.
Dinner at the Lighthouse Restaurant…wonder what I was talking about?
In yesterday’s post I showed a photo of where our RV was parked, well Bob had a better shot on his camera. We are not facing the beach, but on the end of a row. Count 5 RV’s from the left facing the beach, we are right behind that 5th RV, John and Judy are beside us.

One day some friends from the RV America group, Mike and Kathy and Earl and Lynda who had also ventured down to Puerto Penasco had gone to a Children’s Home about 18 miles out of town. They had taken toothbrushes to donate. We also wanted to deliver a care package. So off we go to the Super Ley to buy some powdered milk, hot dogs (two requested items), cookies, apples, and chocolate milk mix (that was Bob’s idea, he said, all kids like chocolate milk).

Here we are getting help carrying in the bags. About 45-50 children are housed here.

Teeth cleaning time, Bob and I both got our teeth cleaned for $70, very thorough job!

Here is the fruit and veggie stand we frequent about twice a week.

Thanks to Earl we found a better place to buy shrimp, which is near the docks and shrimp boats. We paid $8 for 1 kilo (2.2 lbs) $3.64 / lb. If we had paid for them in pesos like John and Judy did the price would have been even better. If you go into old town, the price goes up to $6 per pound, guess where we have been buying our shrimp lately.

Just had to get a photo of Earl’s new t-shirt!
Last night, it was deep fat fried shrimp, coconut shrimp, asparagus, and sweet potatoes all home cooked at Earl and Lynda’s RV space. Earl and John are busy here dipping asparagus in batter in the back of Earl’s rhino with the tail gate flipped down, I guess we could call it a Tail Gate Party.

The ladies were enjoying the sunset.
We then all enjoyed a delicious dinner.