Here we are getting some work done at Brazel’s. We now have a new muffler, air filter, and a chip, hope we see the suggested mileage improvement. Time will tell.
While Bob was with the coach getting its new parts installed, I did a load of laundry and the above sign was posted on the wall.
This sign was also posted on a dryer.
Meet my latest friend, her name is Porketta owned by Mary and Nick from Juneau AK. They leave their coach and tow vehicle in Washington state and fly from Juneau, with Porketta, to spend their winters on the outside (lower 48).
A face only a mother could love. She was very gentle, and didn’t pay attention to any of the dogs that thought she was something really strange.
Below she and Duffy are giving each other a face to face look. She was adorable, and I want one, but Bob said NO .
Another Big Tent purchase, a motion sensor porch light. It works very well and the best part, it is installed!!
This never a good sign, but this was the only way the Explorer was going to start, being pushed. It took all day, but we did eventually get a new starter installed by going to Blythe to buy the part and then having a mobile mechanic replace it in Q.
Our front door is giving me grief again about opening, so Mike, one of the fellow RVers tried to fix it. Come to find out, one of the frame pins is bent slightly and that seems to be causing the problem. He did give me an extra bay key which I put in the Explorer, so… if I can’t get in, I can now get in the Explorer, get the extra bay key, unlock the bay, get out our ladder and climb in through an unlocked window in the coach. Sounds convoluted, but it will work!
Sunday (29th) we left Q and drove about 75 miles to Imperial Dam LTVA for a week of R & R before heading back to our stick and brick house in central CA to get it ready for sale. We have not lived in it for over six years, so it does need a little TLC.