Since I wanted to use my sewing machine, it was time for some maintenance and cleaning. I used a toothpick as a guide to let the oil slide down on, so it went where I wanted it to go.
I first made a cover for my burr coffee grinder from a kitchen towel, then made a hand towel for near the sink. I recycled the red part (a pot holder) from another kitchen towel where the towel had seen better days. Then sewed another towel on, Bob suggested I make it long as to wipe off the wet counter top, not sure about that, we will see how handy it is.
Well, here is the material for my next project. About a year ago my sister found this dress in a bag of used clothes she was sorting through and thought of me…because of the kokopelli’s. I knew someday I would think of a project to use it for and I did. It is a “while we are driving” coach arm organizer for my camera, phone, sunglasses and the Droid. After some planning, measuring, cutting and stitching, here is it all loaded for the road.
Well, this isn’t a good thing, with a tow truck flat bed in front of the Explorer. But, in our case, it actually was…Explorer (1993) would not start in Walmart parking lot, tried to push it (me pushing-must have been quite a sight and Bob tried to pop the clutch) – still no go. Finally called Coach Net (they also cover your tow vehicle along with your motorhome) and they sent a tow truck. They loaded
the Explorer on the truck, then the driver asked what was the problem, Bob told him, he then asked Bob if it might be the battery cables – don’t know. He checked and yes, this battery cable was the culprit (not suppose to see any copper wires). The driver also does roadside service, so he was able to fix our problem and we were soon on the road back to our coach.
Couldn’t leave Livingston without visiting the local history museum. Since Polk County, where Livingston is, was part of the Confederacy during the Civil War, Confederate soldiers were required to sign an Amnesty Oath. This is the first one of these Bob and I have ever seen. Interesting!
I, your name, do solemnly swear or affirm in the presence of Almighty God that I will hereafter faithfully defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States hereunder and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves. SO HELP ME GOD. Signed. Signed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Nov 1865.
Our time here in Livingston is coming to an end. Heading our tomorrow, Friday the 21st, stopping in Tomball (N of Houston) for a couple of nights to visit one of Bob’s cousins, then to Kemah, (S of Houston) for a week, then head south to the Valley.
I love to sew. I especially love to re-purpose things. Great job on the arm caddy!
We used to live in Cypress and would go to church and had friends in Tomball. Nice time of year to be down there!
Nice work! Sewing was one thing that as much as I tried, and as much as I wanted to be good at, I just wasn't.
You picked a good year to go to South Texas -- it's been beautiful down here most days.
Great job on the coach arm organizer!! Last summer I left my sewing machine in storage and it wasn't long before I regretted that decision. Will be putting it back on the RV when we get back to Michigan.
Enjoy South Texas!
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