Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Early grocery shopping day, Nov 23, 2011

With today being the day before Thanksgiving, we knew the local Walmart would be busy, so our goal was to arrive early. Early for us was 9 am. Here is Bob clutching the only bag of Yukon gold potatoes in Walmart. That is the kind of potato I wanted for mashed potatoes, which is part of our contribution for our Thanksgiving dinner at the park tomorrow.


Also on our list were the ingredients for our own Thanksgiving dinner which we will cook on Friday.


I decided to make up the mashed potato casserole today. Peeled 8 pounds of potatoes. My Mom would be ashamed of how much potato I peeled off with the peel, but I got it done.IMG_3017

I added cream cheese, sour cream, onion powder, and half & half to the potatoes, sure tasted yummy too. Tomorrow I will just bake and they are ready for the 2 pm dinner.


Today we bought our betta, Red Rob, a new home. With it being a gallon, it tripled the size of his prior home. This tank is lighted and does have a bubbler. Tomorrow we plan to plant the plant in the gravel, so then it will look much better.



Paul and Marti Dahl said...

You're spoiling Red Rob, giving him a Christmas present at Thanksgiving.

Now he'll really be blowing bubbles of joy! :c)

Jim and Sandie said...

Red Rob sure does look comfy in his new home. And your potatoes really do look yummy. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Travelwithwhippets said...

How many fish get to travel the U.S. and have a comfy aquarium too? Early Christmas for Red Bob for sure! Potatoes look yummy. Happy Thanksgiving to you two!!

Elaine said...

your potatoes look delicious...I can just hear your mom lol...mine used to say to me after I'd peel...why don't you just throw out the potatoes and cook the peelings..I can still hear her to this day when I peel potatoes..have a wonderful dinner today...your travelling fish looks very happy in his new home :)

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Looks like you will be ready for a feast:) Happy Thanksgiving!

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