Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Finding more roots, Oct 9-11, 2011

This time we are near Allentown, PA and now we are looking for Bob’s 4th great grandfather, where he is buried and where he lived. In the mid 1700’s he came to America and eventually opened a Tavern just before 1760.IMG_1977

The original tavern was a log structure, and was replaced with this stone structure in the 1871, long after Georg died and his son Abraham left with six children and traveled to NE Ohio where we had just been a few days ago. IMG_1979

We tried to do a rubbing of Georg’s stone, even went to an art store to purchase what we thought would work, but it did not. I also had brought some chalk to help with reading the stones. As you can see below, it really helps. I did wash off the chalk after taking the photos.




Paul and Marti Dahl said...

That chalk really worked well, what a great idea.

Even more amazing is that you found the grave.

Travelwithwhippets said...

Wow, Bob's roots run deep in that area, don't they? I enjoyed reading the link describing the town and tavern. It must be really interesting to visit those places, especially after all your genealogy work the last few years!

Wanderin' said...

I've certainly done my share of stone rubbing with chalk. It doesn't always work but when it does, it really does.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

I have recently become interested in personal genealogy. Combining history with family is very interesting. Looks like you have the knack:)

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