Sunday, February 22, 2009

Zach’s Jujitso Kata Contest, Feb. 21, 2009

Megan told us that Zach was having a Jujitso kata contest on Saturday.  A few years ago we were home for one of these contests and were able to attend.  The following is from the web “The word kata, coming from the Japanese meaning 'formal exercise' is basically a prescribed sequence of movements which demonstrate the techniques and principles of pre-defined martial arts moves.”

Here is Zach and his partner with his instructor or Sensei.

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Here Zach is performing a  kata move with his partner.katta 09 010And here is the happy winner.  He received a two metals, one for 2nd place in his kata moves and a 1st place metal for his combative sequence.  He is one happy boy!!!  We are very proud of you Zachary.  Zach will be having a birthday this coming Thursday, he will be 10 years old.  We Love You!!

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It was overcast all day today, so that usually means a spectacular sunset.


In this special moment in life…make some mistakes.

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