While staying at the Escapees’ Rainbow’s End RV Park making sure our washer/dryer unit worked and the Norcold refrigerator remained cold, Bob tacked another much appreciated, by me, job. He recharged the A/C Unit in the Explorer. After adding two cans of R34a we both were happy and cool.
On our way down to the RGV (Rio Grande Valley), we made two stops. The first was in at the Dixieland RV Park in Carmine, TX, the next two night stop was at Goliad State Park in Goliad.
Then on Wednesday the 8th we drove the last 230 miles to our RV lot at Retama Village.

Today, (Sat) we were doing a little gardening and trimming when some new to us neighbors stopped by, Bob and Kathleen (plus their dog named Cookie.) They spend their summers here and when they heard we were flying out on Tuesday, they offered to take us to the McAllen airport which is about 15 minutes away. Thanks Bob and Kathleen for the gracious offer.
“Our bags are packed”, or mostly packed for a couple of days now. Every day I keep adding a few items, so far so good, the zipper still zips.
I have a list of tasks yet to do: 1) Suspend our Verizon phone service, 2) Suspend our Directv service, 3) Call the bank to increase the withdrawal limit on one remaining ATM card (the others have already been increased), 4) Backup the Quicken program on my computer.
I have already taken care of our insurance renewals for the coach and car which come due during the time we are gone. Have also suspended our internet satellite service, formerly Motosat, now through Real Time. We have also called and notified the bank and our credit card company of our upcoming European travel so they don’t shut the card down for unusual usage outside the country.
I will not be updating this blog during our European trip, leaving out of here on Aug 14th and returning Nov 6th. But we will be updating our travels on Bob’s Blog, and will also be posting brief updates on Facebook.