Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument was our first stop. The last eruption was about 1,000 years ago so I was surprised to see a few flowers blooming in the barren landscape. This penstemon was very striking against the cinders.

Some areas were covered where the lava had flowed.

I am sure this National Monument employee didn’t expect to have sidewalk sweeping as part of his job description.

Next a drive of about 25 miles to Wupatki National Monument with some very neat ruins to explore.

This one was complete with a window.

These two vessels were on display at the visitor center. I can only imagine the excitement of the find in Feb 2009. You just don’t ever see pots this large still intact.

The beam you see at the rear of this room has been in place for 800 years.
We then walked to see a ball court,

and a nearby Blowhole. Check out the link, it explains much better than I could. All I know the cold air coming out sounded and felt like it was being forced out by a very high power fan. The forced air was puffing out my shorts, boy did it feel great as it was a hot day.

With all the cinders around on the ground, guess what, one or two would end up in my Keens. Bob was Johnny on the spot for a photo.

We sure enjoyed today our brief glimpse into another culture and lifestyle, we did take the time to walk through the door and look out the window. Great place to visit.

On the drive back to the coach, Bob had the window down. Thought you would like to see the rest of the story!! HeHe
5/24/12 – We extended our stay by one day so we could just rest and get caught up on things to do in the coach. I did go through a couple of drawers and purged. After cleaning out our stick and brick house purging is much easier.
We did go to Sam’s Club and dropped a letter off at the Post Office. After we got back I got the buckets out and washed the windshield, front and one lower side of the coach. I have been using the 303 Aerospace Protectant on the front of the coach for about six months now and was very pleasantly surprised, the bugs just washed off.