Our stopover in Livingston, TX provided some time to get our mail and restalk our groceries. It was great to personally go up to the Escapees Mail Forwarding Service outside mail request window and get our mail, you see I miss getting our daily mail. Since I am going to be leaving on Wednesday for a 2-1/2 wk trip to Sacramento, it was time for Bob to learn how to do the laundry.

He was a willing understudy, so hopefully I will not come back to a washer full of dirty clothes.

With an early 8:30 start from Livingston, our drive today was to be around 6 hours to Grand Gulf Military Park, about 10 miles from Port Gibson, MS. All was going as planned until we saw a sign, well, as good as you can see a sign going at 60 mph saying that one way of the upcoming Y had a bridge of with had a clearance of 12’ 3”! Yikes, we are 12’10” (from the original brochure). Now neither of us really saw what the sign said, so after some unpleasant discussion, we took the right hand arm of the Y, went a few miles, still questioning each other. Bob did turn around, he is getting good at turning around in a wide section of the road. So back to the other arm of the Y and within just a few hundred yards saw the warning sign about that 12’3” bridge, so he turned around again and headed back to where he had just come from. This low clearance bridge detour added about 45 minutes to our drive. (Route 63 east of Jasper.) 
This is the Mississippi River bridge at Natchez, MS.

We ended up driving about 40 miles on the Natchez Trace. What a nice peaceful drive.

We arrived at the Grand Gulf Military Park around 3:30 pm. We had the choice of any site in the park, so with hoping to get online with both internet and Directv, the upper campground was chosen. The camp host said to use first gear and keep on the gas pedal all the way up, Bob did great, here he is roaring up the hill.

We found a site where we could pull into, face the woods, but still get online, looks like Bob will have a nice site when I am gone.

Side Note: On November 14, 2010 we first entered Texas and stayed in Pecos TX and on April 10 we left Texas, total of 147 days. Guess you can say we spent our winter in Texas.